"iTunes n'a pas pu se connecter à l'iTunes Store. Assurez-vous que votre connexion au réseau est activée et réessayer."
Mon iTunes a pu se connecter, autrefois, à l'iTunes Store, mais échoue maintenant à chaque tentative de connexion. Mon ordinateur est sous Windows XP. J'ai tout essayé, j'ai notamment réinstallé le logiciel, abaissé certaines gardes de mon anti-virus, autorisé iTunes sur le pare-feu de Windows, etc.
Quelqu'un a-t-il trouvé le remède ?
Mise à jour : Alléluia ! J'ai trouvé le remède ici :
" OK this was a really frustrating situation but I am so relieved that I can finally use the iTunes Store with my new iPod!
1) I am 100% confident that I found the issue that wouldn't let me connect.
2) After remedying the situation the iTunes Store connected flawlessly.
3) I am 100% confident that the issue that prevented me from connecting to the iTunes Store was not caused by me.
So here it is folks. The fix that did it for me and hopefully the hundreds/thousands of others having this issue!
Step 1) Find your Hosts file
[Trouver le fichier nommé Hosts dans : C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\]
* Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista: %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\ is the default location, which may be changed. The actual directory is determined by the Registry key \HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\DataBasePath.
* Windows 95/98/Me: %WinDir%\
* Linux and other Unix-like operating systems: /etc
* Mac OS 9 and earlier: System Folder: Preferences or System folder (format of the file may vary from Windows and Linux counterparts)
* Mac OS X: /private/etc (uses BSD-style Hosts file)
* OS/2 and eComStation: "bootdrive":\mptn\etc\
Step 2) Open it up in a text editor. e.g. Notepad [Ouvrir le fichier Hosts dans le bloc-notes]
Step 3) In my case I had a line that listed a server at apple.com (phobos.apple.com). I did not put that line in there and I have no idea how it appeared. I am guessing it is a bug in iTunes during the install or configuration process. Find this line and comment it out or remove it entirely, and then Save the hosts file. [Supprimer la ligne phobos.apple.com]
Step 4) Restart iTunes [Redémarrer iTunes]
At this point everything worked beautifully! "
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